ANNE ARUNDEL COUUNTY, Md. — An Anne Arundel County elementary school teacher has been arrested on charges of sexually abusing eight students.
Matthew Schlegel, 44, was taken into custody Thursday morning at his home in Severna Park. He faces more than 30 charges, ranging from second-degree assault to sex abuse of a minor. Schlegel is a third-grade math teacher at Severna Park Elementary school.
According to charging documents, all of the alleged victims are current or former students of Schlegel, and the alleged abuse occurred in the classroom.
Project Baltimore was on scene early this morning as police officers searched Schlegel's home and vehicle. Charging documents indicate police spoke with eight alleged victims who described inappropriate touching under their clothing. Detectives also spoke with additional witnesses who, according to charging documents, said they "observed the victims on Schlegel's lap during class." The allegations date back to August 2022 up until March 2024.
Schlegel was removed from Severna Park Elementary school on March 15, following the initial allegation. Three days later, on March 18, Severna Park Principal Kyle Butler sent an email to parents of third -grade students, explaining that Schlegel had been removed from the school “indefinitely”.
Parents were not informed why Schlegel, reportedly a popular teacher, was suddenly gone.
On April 7, parents at Severna Park learned more information when the principal sent a second email to the entire school community.
The email said an allegation involving Schlegel had been reported to the school system’s Office of Investigations. Following the initial allegation, the principal said he met with “several other sets of families” and provided their information to authorities as well.
Schlegel has been teaching in Anne Arundel County Public Schools since 2008. He spent his first eight years at Tyler Heights Elementary in Annapolis, where he taught second grade. In 2016, he moved to Severna Park Elementary.