BOISE, Idaho (KBOI) — A teacher in Idaho was charged with felony rape and child sexual battery, according to authorities.
Police said Eric McDermott was arrested on Monday.
McDermott was listed on the staff directory at Fairmont Junior High School as an eighth grade World Studies teacher and the athletic director.
A representative of the Boise School District clarified that their website was incorrect and that he was not the athletic director.
The school district said he is a World Studies teacher, basketball coach, and an AP Human Geography teacher.
A letter from The Boise School District to parents at Fairmont Junior High noted that McDermott was arrested for rape and sexual battery committed by lewd or lascivious acts on a minor child 16 to 17 years of age.
The district said McDermott was immediately placed on administrative leave after being notified of the arrest.
We understand that this news will raise concerns about student safety and we want to assure our families that the District is full cooperating with law enforcement and prosecutors as they investigate this matter," the letter to parents reads.Additional support services are being made available at Fairmont Junior High School for any students or staff members who need assistance.