Heated debate over Somerset County 911 center staffing crisis has officials 'scared to death' over t

Somerset County, PA Things were visibly heated at the commissioners meeting, this week. Union staffing representative, George Critchfield and commissioners both saying the other party is holding up the increase in pay and training for 911 staff. This as concerns are being raised with the amount of actual staffing at the 911 center, union

Things were visibly heated at the commissioners meeting, this week. Union staffing representative, George Critchfield and commissioners both saying the other party is holding up the increase in pay and training for 911 staff. This as concerns are being raised with the amount of actual staffing at the 911 center, union representatives calling it a skeleton crew.

Board chairman, Gerald Walker says the understanding agreement presented to the union “was specifically for recruitment and retention.” “We are waiting for the union to approve that MOU, as they did with the MOU for the CYS and the Sheriff’s department.” he says.

“We are waiting for your signatures. Why is it unexpected?” argues Union Rep. Critchfield. He says that because of the vacant positions in the county, their workers are being overworked and are pushing for an agreement on a memorandum of understanding, or 'MOU.' He says the repeated modifications to that MOU are creating an unfair situation.

Commissioner pam Tokar-Ickes says information allegedly disclosed by Critchfield was supposed to be confidential and trust is at stake. “We will not share details of what has gone back and forth with the union. I have to tell you, I’m very surprised that this has occurred.” she says.

This while others say they want things resolved, to keep the 9-1-1 center properly staffed. “Everybody’s life in this room and everybody in this county’s life hangs right there. That’s our first line of defense.” says Shanksville Assistant VFD chief, Dan Dink Dively. Scott Yachere also spoke up, saying “Whether it’s money or whatever, I don't know, it has to be addressed.”

Somerset county solicitor Christopher Gabriel was at the meeting virtually. I reached out to his office for comment, but have yet to hear back.

