CENTRE COUNTY, Pa. (WJAC) — In our latest segment of Road Trippin’, the Eagle Ironworks at Curtin Village stands on the site of an Iron Furnace that was created by Roland Curtin and an associate in 1810.
The Eagle Ironworks was one of 20 iron furnaces operating in Centre County during the peak of iron making.
The mansion was also home to Roland Curtain’s son, Andrew Curtin, who was the governor of Pennsylvania, during the American Civil War.
Guided tours are given every second and fourth Sunday of every month from June through October, at 2 p.m.
You're welcome to visit the exterior of the site at any time.
Go to curtinvillage.com to complete forms to become a volunteer, become a member of the Curtin Foundation, or make a donation.
They rely heavily on donations to keep the site running.