Could natural gas prices decrease in PA? Peoples files request with PUC to lower costs

(WJAC) Could the cost of natural gas be decreasing in Pennsylvania? The Peoples Natural Gas Division filed a request with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) to do just that. Studies show last year, the production of natural gas in Pennsylvania fell at the same time prices continued to rise.

Could the cost of natural gas be decreasing in Pennsylvania?

The Peoples Natural Gas Division filed a request with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) to do just that.

Studies show last year, the production of natural gas in Pennsylvania fell at the same time prices continued to rise.

If this request is approved, officials say we could see prices fall in October of this year, saving customers hundreds of dollars.

The Peoples Natural Gas Division requested an overall price decrease of $262.1 million per year.

If the company’s entire request is approved, officials say:

  • The total bill for a residential customer using 86 Mcf per year would decrease from $106.27 to $69.53 per month or by 34.6%.
  • The total bill for a small commercial/industrial customer using 183 Mcf per year would decrease from $183.09 to $106.61 per month or by 41.8%.
  • The total bill for a medium commercial/industrial customer using 2,145 Mcf per year would decrease from $1,969.43 to $1,073.03 per month or by 45.5%.

The PUC will examine the requested rate change -- and can prevent existing rates from changing -- until it investigates the request.

After looking at the evidence, the PUC might grant all, some, or none of the request.

The Peoples Natural Gas Division say there are three ways to challenge a company’s request to change its rates:

  • You can file a formal complaint
  • You can send a letter to the PUC in Harrisburg
  • You could be a witness at a public input hearing
  • To find out how the requested changes could affect your natural gas bill, contact Peoples at 1 (800) 764-0111.

    We reached out to the PUC and received this response from Press Secretary Nils Hagen-Frederiksen who said, "The commission cannot speak on behalf of a utility, and it wouldn’t be appropriate to comment before there’s been any PUC consideration of a request."

    We reached out to Peoples, but an official there told 6 News they don't want to comment since this is "preliminary" and they're waiting until further action is taken.

